I have a few inquiries about New World

As a prospective player dealing with a neurological hand issue, I have a few inquiries about New World:

1, How challenging is the PvE combat, especially in terms of demanding quick reflexes and frequent dodging? My primary focus would be solo play.

2, What PvE activities are available for solo players?

3, Is there any obligatory PvP content?

4, Does the game involve substantial hunting, mining, gathering, or farming activities, or a combination of these, and are the materials obtained in these activities valuable in the player-driven market and beneficial to other players?

Here’s some helpful information from Dencnugs:

1, PvE difficulties in New World vary. While some of the toughest content necessitates swift reflexes and dodging, there’s an alternative of playing as a tank in PvE, where you focus on holding RMB and occasionally using skills instead of dodging. Tanks are highly sought after in group content like dungeons. Additionally, a new artifact has been introduced that enhances your stamina (used for blocking) at the cost of disabling dodging. This artifact is in high demand, especially among tanks. You should be able to fulfill this role without issues and have an enjoyable experience.

2, The most common PvE activity is dungeons, designed for groups of 5. However, there’s a group finder option for those who prefer random dungeon runs. Additionally, there are numerous mob zones scattered across the vast game map that solo players can explore. You can even potentially earn some New World Gold coins rewards by looting chests in these zones if luck is on your side.

3, New World doesn’t force PvP upon players. While there are certain artifacts only obtainable via the “PvP track,” there are alternative ways to progress in this track without engaging in actual PvP combat. You can complete “PvP missions,” which are essentially regular quests but with PvP flagging. However, most players tend to avoid combat with each other during these missions since the primary goal is to complete them swiftly. So, you can largely bypass PvP if it doesn’t interest you.

4, Gathering is a prevalent method to earn money in the game. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that high-population servers may have fierce competition for the best gathering spots. I recommend considering a moderately populated server where the economy is stable, and you can enjoy farming without constant resource competition. Farming in New World can be quite enjoyable, especially when not contending with others for resources.