Mastering Farming in Myth of Empires: A Guide for Beginners

Today, we’re diving into the intricate world of farming in Myth of Empires. As an essential skill for survival and progression, farming lays the foundation for your journey in this captivating game. So, grab your tools, prepare your fields, and let’s embark on a farming adventure together!

Getting Started with Farming:

In Myth of Empires, farming is a vital aspect of gameplay, providing resources for crafting, sustaining yourself, and even taming animals. Before you delve into the fields, ensure you have the necessary tools and recipes. Head over to the cultivation section of the workbench and acquire the fundamental items: hoe, crude planter, water spell, fertilizer, and the Stone Mill.

Crafting Your First Crop Plot:

To kickstart your farming endeavors, you’ll need to craft a crop plot or crude planter. Gather essential materials such as wood ash, branches, sand, and rubble. Once you have these resources, crafting your first planter is a breeze. Place it strategically in your designated garden spot, ensuring easy access for watering and tending.

Choosing Your Crops:

With your crop plots ready, it’s time to select your crops wisely. Consider starting with essential crops like flax, soybeans, wheat, and rice. Flax is particularly valuable for crafting linen, a crucial material for various items. Experiment with different crop combinations to optimize your yield and resource diversity.

Managing Your Farm:

Maintaining your farm requires attention to detail. Monitor moisture levels, soil porosity, and fertilizer status regularly. Rotate your crops to maintain soil health and minimize the need for excessive fertilization. Remember, well-managed farm yields bountiful MoE Copper Coins rewards!

Watering Your Crops:

Water is essential for plant growth, so ensure your crops receive an adequate supply. Craft water barrels and fill them regularly to keep your plants hydrated. Utilize rainwater whenever possible, but be prepared to manually water your crops to maintain optimal moisture levels.

Harvesting and Replanting:

As your crops mature, harvest them diligently to reap the rewards. Collect seeds for future planting and prioritize high-quality seeds whenever possible. Replant your fields promptly to maintain a continuous cycle of growth and sustainability.

Progressing Your Farming Skills:

As you gain proficiency in farming, explore advanced technologies and upgrades. Unlock better planners and farmland through guild progression, allowing for increased crop capacity and efficiency. Joining or establishing a guild early on opens up a plethora of opportunities for advancement and collaboration.

Expanding Your Farming Empire:

Diversify your farming operations to meet the demands of your burgeoning empire. Experiment with specialty crops, explore new territories for fertile land and establish trade networks to exchange surplus goods. Embrace the challenges and rewards of agricultural expansion in Myth of Empires.


Farming in Myth of Empires is more than just a basic survival skill—it’s a journey of growth, discovery, and mastery. By mastering the art of cultivation, you lay the groundwork for success in this immersive gaming experience.

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