The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing the Pada Kang in Skull and Bones

In the treacherous waters of Skull and Bones, mastering your ship is essential for survival. Among the formidable vessels available to captains, one stands out for its unparalleled ability to wreak havoc upon adversaries: the Pada Kang. Known for its capacity to take on multiple enemies simultaneously, this ship becomes an unstoppable force when equipped with the right armaments and tactics. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of setting up the Pada Kang to unleash devastation upon the seas.

Understanding the Pada Kang:

Before delving into its optimal setup, it’s crucial to understand the unique characteristics of the Pada Kang. As described in the game’s codex, the Pada Kang is a larger ship capable of engaging multiple enemies when properly equipped. With a specialization in dealing with damage and inflicting status effects, this vessel favors an aggressive play style. At its core, the Pada Kang is designed to dominate the battlefield through sheer firepower and strategic prowess.

Explosive Potential:

The key to unlocking the Pada Kang’s full potential lies in leveraging explosive damage. At the heart of its devastating capabilities is the ship’s innate perk: detonate. This perk grants a staggering 70% chance of triggering explosions upon hitting targets, dealing substantial damage within a significant blast radius. Notably, this chance increases to 100% if the target is already ablaze, amplifying the ship’s destructive capabilities further.

Arming the Pada Kang:

To harness the explosive power of the Pada Kang, captains must outfit their vessels with the most potent weaponry available. Chief among these armaments are the fire bombards. Found in the blacksmith’s arsenal, these formidable weapons excel in dealing explosive damage, making them ideal for complementing the Pada Kang’s innate abilities.

Crafting a fire bombard requires specific resources, including orocco planks, bronze ingots, fine jute, and wood tar. Once assembled, these weapons unleash devastation upon foes, adding a significant boost to the ship’s overall damage output. With explosive damage as their primary focus, fire bombards perfectly align with the Pada Kang’s strategic objectives.

Strategic Placement:

To maximize the efficacy of fire bombards, captains must strategically position them across the Pada Kang’s deck. Placing these weapons in every available slot ensures a relentless barrage of explosive firepower, overwhelming adversaries with sheer destructive force. While fire bombards excel at medium to long-range engagements, their effectiveness diminishes at close range. Therefore, maintaining a suitable distance from enemy vessels is paramount to leveraging their full potential.

Auxiliary Arsenal:

In addition to firing bombards, captains should equip the Pada Kang with a complementary auxiliary weapon: the mortar. Like its counterparts, the mortar deals explosive damage, further enhancing the ship’s offensive capabilities. By incorporating a mortar into the auxiliary slot, captains ensure a versatile arsenal capable of devastating foes from various angles.

For those seeking to augment the mortar’s effectiveness, acquiring the Leopold mortar presents an enticing opportunity. With added flooding damage, the Leopold mortar inflicts additional punishment upon enemies, further cementing the Pada Kang’s status as a formidable adversary.

Execution and Effectiveness:

With the Pada Kang fully armed and strategically outfitted, captains can unleash unparalleled destruction upon the seas. Whether engaging multiple adversaries or decimating lone ships, the sheer firepower of this vessel ensures victory in even the most daunting encounters. By capitalizing on explosive damage and strategic positioning, captains can assert their dominance and reign supreme upon the turbulent waters of Skull and Bones.


In the ever-expanding world of Skull and Bones, mastering the art of naval combat is essential for survival. With the Pada Kang at their disposal, captains possess a formidable weapon capable of reshaping the tides of battle. By embracing explosive damage and strategic ingenuity, captains can unlock the full potential of this fearsome vessel, cementing their legacy as true masters of the sea. So, heed the call of the ocean, set sail aboard the Pada Kang, and unleash destruction upon all who dare oppose you.

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