Best Role Playing Video Games (MMORPG’s) of 2008

Best Role Playing Video Games (MMORPG’s) of 2008

Best Role Playing Video Games (MMORPG's) of 2008: Role Playing games are games where you are thrown into a huge environment with a cool story with alot of twists and turns. MMORPG stands for Massively multi-player online role playing game. There have been many role playing game attempts and alot of them have failed miserably for instance take games like dark orbit which is massively advertised through pop ups this game is completely failing and has a small amount of players but take World of warcraft which has 11million players world wide and then u can see the difference and tell which one is failing. Here is a list of RPG/MMORPG games i think you should avoid at all costs; . Last chaos . Dark orbit . Atlantis . Knights…
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A Review of the Critically Acclaimed Deus Ex: Human Revolution

A Review of the Critically Acclaimed Deus Ex: Human Revolution

"It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here."2011 has been called the year of thirds: Battlefield 3, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, and Saints Row the Third all come to mind. But by far the best game in 2011, in my opinion, was the third installment in the Deus Ex series, Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The original Deus Ex, released in 2000, has won dozens of awards since its inception, including the prestigious Game of the Year award from IGN in 2001. And while Human Revolution hasn't yet proven to be quite the cult classic that its predecessor has, it is still quite the impressive game. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is an action-RPG hybrid, combining shooter elements with an Experience Point system designed…
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World of Warcraft: The Newest Changes to Come in Patch 3.1.0

World of Warcraft: The Newest Changes to Come in Patch 3.1.0

Blizzard makes patches for the game occasionally both to fix bugs, create new content, and try and balance out the scales a bit between the factions, classes, and races. The newest patch (3.1.0) is to be released soon, and there will be many new changes to the World of Warcraft. In order to be completely prepared for the patch, I suggest reading Blizzard's official patch notes, however, I will do my best to go further in depth and explain the key points of what the patch will change. New Raid Ulduar is the newest level 80 raid, and it's definitely not going to be an easy one. There isn't much to say about this, it's another raid. If you're interested in trying out how the raid works before the patch…
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